Monday, 4 January 2016

A little sparrow told me about what not to put on Facebook

How do you get to be the lead story on News24?

You call black people monkey’s on your Facebook page, that is what you do. (shooting a lion that everyone loves will also work)

KwaZulu-Natal estate agent Penny Sparrow, is at the centre of a controversy that has gripped the country, after calling black beachgoers as “monkeys” and posting it on her facebook page
This does not go down well. Her continued protestations that she did not mean it like that, digs a bigger hole for herself.
It reminds me of the following story. Take your favourite china dinner plate that you inherited from granny. Now drop it on the floor and break it. Gently pick up the pieces and say you are very sorry, like you mean it. It’s all and well to apologise but the damage is done.
Dianne Kohler-Barnard of the DA learned the hard lesson the same way when she reposted an offensive article without reading all the contents.
Dianne is a great person but there is a huge difference between forgiveness and consequence.
If you know me, you know I love social media. Used correctly it is an amazing tool to remain in contact with friends and relatives across the world. You can use it to create relationships from scratch and as an amazingly effective branding tool.
I now have over 20 000 people following my various social media accounts and I am eternally grateful that this medium has allowed me the opportunity to establish myself as a speaker but you do learn a few things along the way.
Social Media can be a goldmine but there are some rules. I started making some notes of practical nature that I can share, of the things that work, and those that don't, but the list grew very long in a very short time.
I’ll give it a little more thought and put keyboard to screen and share my Top 10 of do’s and dont’s this week.

In the meantime be careful about posting anything about wildlife!

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